
Welcome to The Bone Lines. Writing into the structural framework of the constellations and nexus of my long living marrow. Poetics for healing brains, minds and maybe a heart that is cast out in the streets. The resonance of healing and sacred arts informs this space while walking on the edge of cliffs and chasms. My ethos is a wide net cast to gather up and free the ideas that permeate an imagination content to live in mythic sky. Constellation patterns pulse the reality of mystic beats in a pair of worn boots. Tattered - tangled threads make up the weft of living.

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Poetry - Ethos - Marrow - Resonance


Poetry - Ethos - Marrow - Resonance Writing into the poetics and structural framework of the constellations and nexus of my long living marrow. Resonance of healing and sacred arts informs this space while walking on the edge of cliffs and chasms.